Rolser Trolleys: Fashionable Eco-bag Strollers

A few stores in the metro don’t allow any use of plastic bags anymore. It’s great cause it’s a worthy cause to save the environment. The downside is, it could be such a hassle to carry all your grocery items and other goods you shopped with a paper bag. This is where eco-bags come in handy.

I’m going to introduce you to a more comfortable solution: one of the best lightweight strollers which can help you not only push your child around but hold your bags.

Rolser Trolleys are the ultimate shopping bags that are fashionable and comfortable to use!

Quite often stuff that dreams are made of appear from where you least expect it. Just like Rolser, a fashion-forward, eco-friendly line of trolleys made in Spain.

Whether you need an earth-friendly shopping bag (with wheels!) during one of your retail-therapy sessions; or need to lug around your laundry to the cleaners; or you’re at the grocery preparing for your dinner date at home, Rolser has a trolley to fit the mood you’re in.

I actually use Rolser Trolleys to move things around from one house to another (my mom gives me lots of stuff for my apartment).  It’s also very handy for laundry!  I can also use it to carry my portable pole.  Yes.  A chrome metal pole.

I have scoliosis and I shouldn’t carry really heavy stuff for a long time.  So Rolser does quite a good job in solving that problem.

The exclusive design of the eco-friendly bags together with the strong and durable frame with a capacity 20 Kgs / 44 lbs. Two wheel shopping trolley; High quality and solid; waterproof .Takes up minimum space when folded .Light and modern; minimalist design.


Rolser Trolleys come in the following zesty colors:

001 -JET LN MALVA                                   001-JET LN ROJO

001 – NEO LN NEGRO                                003-JET MF MARENGO

005 -JET SAVANNA BLANCO                 006-JET LIMA

007 -JET CHAMPAGNE                             008-JET  LOGOS ROJO

014 -JET LOLA MANDARINA                 017- JET CAPRI NEGRO



Get the flash player here:

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We all know we have to reuse bags when we shop and do our bit for the planet – and now you can do it in style.

Rolser outlets:

Howards -Greenbelt, Shangrila, Ermita

Rustan’s – ALL Rustan’s

Make Room – Eastwood & Bonifacio High Street

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